Here’s what we’ve accomplished during the pandemic thanks to the support of people like you.

We’ve relaunched Accelerate, the only architecture course for teenagers from under-represented backgrounds.

We staged the Open House Worldwide Festival, bringing together people from 40 cities around the globe for a 48 hour online programme

We’ve made 33 films opening up buildings and landscapes across the city.

We made a series of 16 model kits of iconic London buildings to make at home.

We published the Alternative Guide to the London Boroughs – a print version of the Open House festival.

We’ve created over 70 free design-led activities for children and families to download online.
Open City Friends Rewards
Every donation helps us, but if you can afford to contribute a little bit more it’ll make a huge difference. We’re happy to offer additional rewards for Open City Friends who sign up at the following levels:
Open House Key badge and a limited edition print
Aceess our annual Friends-only programme of events, tour and more
50% off subscriptions to our Pocket London Guides
10% off all products in our shop
Special Access to the Open House Festival
Everything from the £6/month tier, plus will also gain access to free monthly tours drawn from our exceptional public tours programme.
Everything from the £12/month tier, plus special events throughout the year, named recognition within Open City publications and Christmas gift.